Looking for Something to Do? Now It’s All Gravy

gravyIf you’re always looking for something new and fun to do in your neighborhood, now there’s an app for that. For nights when you’re feeling antsy, and just can’t think of anything to do past the usual dinner, drinks, movie circuit now you can turn to Gravy. It’s an app that is based on your location (you can enter two zip codes, one for work and one for home), and your mood. It groups it’s activities into five categories: whatever, lively, classy, brainy and playtime. Then based on what you selected, you can filter by date and proximity. The events range from Restaurant Week notifications to fitness classes. I learned that today is National Lasagna Day, and as a result, I can get half-off at a local restaurant. The app will even send you an alert on when you need to leave to make it there in time based on current traffic. You can review trending  events, or browse based on channels of events grouped by popular categories like food, music, free, or family friendly. It’s perfect for the person who is always planning things for your friends (like me!), when you sometimes run out if ideas. You can get it from iTunes here.